Thursday, March 7, 2013

PostAWeek 9: Hanging on Belay – The Mile High Diaries, Page 2 By David “Aging Bones” Dysart

PostAWeek 9: Hanging on Belay – The Mile High Diaries, Page 2
By David “Aging Bones” Dysart

The summit eludes me. Last week, I pushed my abilities. I shook my body’s cry for sleep and journeyed hard for the top throughout the night. It lies within my grasp, but slips through my finger like the sands of time that flees from our youth.

“It has halted my progress for the peak though, and as such, must halt for its passing.”

I had hoped to make my final ascent today. I knew that a camera crew would have welcomed me at the top during one of their bi-quarterly filming excursions. The environment proved inhospitable, and my lack of proper attire kept me from celebrating my finish on film.

I write this with my hopes of conquest resting on tomorrow’s shoulders. I have still two weeks to finish my triumph, but I face the looming height tomorrow with only 170 feet left in my journey. To not finish then seems rather childish.

“... my venture down from this journey into the maw of success. I hope it only deems me worthy of spitting me out so I may travel for one last kiss next year.”

My arms do tense at the thought of such rigorous climbing. My abilities have been thrown against this mighty slab with no vertical progress. Bouldering has taxed my strength and left my arms rigid with overuse. It is a feat that my body has not grown accustomed to, but one that hardens them with every passing stint. It has halted my progress for the peak though, and as such, must halt for its passing.

My last 60 yards shall not feature an easy path for me. New routes have emerged that look to test my medal, and I intend to meet them with all of the ferocity that my aging bones have left in them to give.

“I pushed my abilities. I shook my body’s cry for sleep and journeyed hard for the top throughout the night.”

The night has settled upon me quickly, and I fear time for this journal draws to an end for this eve. I hope that my next entry comes during my venture down from this journey into the maw of success. I hope it only deems me worthy of spitting me out so I may travel for one last kiss next year.

No matter the time of my next entry. I shall come bearing news. It waits only to be seen if that news comes from my joy, my sorrow, or my anticipation.

“I intend to meet them with all of the ferocity that my aging bones have left in them to give.”

The Mile-High Diaries
David Dysart
February 27, 2013

Listening to
Justin Timberlake actually

Twitter Tag
I intend to meet this post with all of the ferocity that my aging bones have left in them to give

Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way All in all, it’s just another post in the feed I’m gonna post some tumblrs Got you stuck on my belay, on my belay like a figure 8 Posts become as vapid as a blogger out in Starbucks This site has got to be the most pretentious thing

New to the Bloggaday? These are the essential posts to see
158 – Boxer V Brief – Short, concise joke machine and a DYNAMIC ENTRANCE! to my favorite Bloggadays of the Second Trigaday
159 – A Phthalates-filled Sbarro Breadstick – This was just a funny Bloggaday despite the essence being something no one will get unless the look up what a phthalate is
174 – FNtCCA,aToTbDD– While I think it’s clear I rarely EDIT the Bloggaday, this train-of-thought post shows how much I have to FILTER it…
183 – SotW 13 – This one had it all. Pretty much every bit that’s been a major player in the SotW made its way into this one, so it’s a good one to try.
134 – SotW 5 – This particular Song of the Week featured the characters a bit truer to their original concept. After a while, I started liking Tom too much and changed him a bit which caused changes to Chuck.
227 – PWND: TSHBRotCCPS pt16 was some solid fiction content. Plus, that was probably some of the finest Final Thought I’ve ever thought up.

I be on my rope, belay, rope and, belay
Can I show you a few things, a few things, a few things, little baby?

I can't wait 'til I get you on the wall, good-looking
Going up so high, just like a monkey
And I'll burn myself, but just had to drop you
It's so fire and it's all my belay
Hey baby, we don't mind all the watching
Cause if they study close, real close
They might learn something
She ain't nothing but a little doozie when she does it
She's so climb tonight

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