Friday, January 11, 2013

PostAWeek 1: Hanging on Belay – The Mile High Challenge By David “Rock Wall Ronin” Dysart

PostAWeek 1: Hanging on Belay – The Mile High Challenge By David “Rock Wall Ronin” Dysart Ten months has passed since the shoes have come off. It is time again though to don harness and chalk and take up the call. It’s the winter quarter and that means it’s another Mile High Challenge for everyone at the CSUSB Rec Center. Our wall at the Rec center is 34 feet high, so for that mile, all you have to do is finish 155 of those climbs this quarter by March 15th and you’ll get yourself a fancy t-shirt and entry into a raffle. This year features a new dimension. You can now split the mile with a partner so each of you can do half. So whether you don’t have the time or the ability to conquer an entire mile all by yourself, you can still be apart of this once-a-year event.
“Over the next nine weeks, it’s you, the wall, the distance... the challenge.”
But let’s be honest, is the shirt and chance at prizes (as awesome as the shirt is and fabulous the prizes are) really why we’re entering? Well, it isn’t for me. There’s something sacred about taking all of the noise and bustle of the world, the chaos and responsibilities of school and putting them aside. Over the next nine weeks, it’s you, the wall, the distance... the challenge. You will either conquer the next 5,280 feet or lie in defeat under its shadow.
“Hack away at those 2,580 feet 34 feet at a time until after those 9 weeks, I can either wear that third shirt with pride...”
Now, it doesn’t exactly hurt that you’ll be embarking on this journey along with the amazing group of people who make up the climbing community and an incredible staff who will support and root (and even take up the challenge themselves) the entire way. But that’s just all icing on top of the cake. Not to mention all the calories you’ll burn means you can pile that icing on a little thicker on that next cake.
“Ten months has passed since the shoes have come off."
So far I’m two for two on these mile-high challenges, and they were both amazing adventures. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll have the time to take on the challenge by myself, so I was going to go in with a partner this time. I guess that would make me what, 2.5 for 2.5? So I guess just half all of the pride and glory for this year?

 Hmm, after the last 350 words, I want to take a crack at this. I want to experience the challenge. Hack away at those 2,580 feet 34 feet at a time until after those 9 weeks, I can either wear that third shirt with pride or grit my teeth in perseverance until I can make one last run at it next year.

 Well, I suppose that settle it. I’m going to go it alone this year. I’m rock wall ronin, and I’m on a 9-week journey across the landscape of the Mile High Challenge. We shall see if I will honor my family name or throw myself on my carabineer.

 So in the immortal words of Mr. Rogers. Won’t you be my belayer?

 Listening to A Missed episode of Supernatural

 Twitter Tag Over the next 500 words, it’s you, the blog, the words... the challenge

 Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way All in all, it’s just another post in the feed I’m gonna post some tumblrs Got you stuck on my belay, on my belay like a figure 8 Posts become as vapid as a blogger out in Starbucks This site has got to be the most pretentious thing
Close the screen, the awesome’s getting out

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